Tuesday, 4 November 2008

CIAO to the real men of Rome

The bar around the corner from the language school here in Rome, is one of the most friendly places I've ever had the pleasure to eat at. A warm smile, fantastic coffee, a chat about football(in Italian of course), and the best panini I've had in Rome. There's a king of a burger that I've eaten here on the recommendation of the lovely guys in the photo. It's called una saleiccia di maiale and is basically a fantastically succulent pork sausage which is pressed with a fork into a type of pattie and served with lettuce and mustard. It's so tasty. Much better than a McDonalds. Grazie amici... you've become my local, and that's quite something for an English girl to admit!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi M-J,

everything sounds so fantastic! Just fabulous!!! I would love to catch up soon. When will you be back?

All love, K xxx